Teamwork makes the dream work, it’s a bit cliche yet true. Can you imagine doing something without help? In the absence of a team to reach a goal? The truth is we cannot do things alone. Imagine a pilot without a crew, a basketball team with just a coach and no players, a building on fire with only one firefighter to put it out…then imagine pursuing your dreams solo.
We all need help! It truly takes a team of people with the proper skill set, level of enthusiasm and pride, plus total belief in the ultimate goal. I was a one-woman show limited help, no accountability partner and one mentor. I believe the turning point was absolute belief in myself and true acceptance of my future life. To accept it and to believe with everything inside of me that it will come to life. That’s when things began to change around me and with little effort the pieces are being put together. I have been so blessed to have a wonderful group of individuals that are making sacrifices to see my vision come to light. I am so humbly grateful for all of the love, support and sacrifices because I know I can’t pursue my dreams by working hard on my own, I know it takes…TEAMWORK.
Quote: “No one can whistle a symphony. It’s takes an orchestra to play it.” –H.E. Luccock
Tip: Ask for help. Utilize the resources around you. Try to barter services. There are no excuses for not moving forward. If one knows you need assistance they can’t extend a helping hand so speak up.