To live a life of fluid movement, one that can change its form at any given moment. A life that moves with the current. We get so tied up in the regiment of our days that we rarely get to just go with the flow. Outside of the necessary things that we have to get done, we clutter the rest of our free time with additional activities. There is no wiggle room for fluidity. It’s blocking our ability to go with the FLOW.
I went to a meeting for potential work. During the meeting we discussed neighborhoods and coffee shops in the city. Later I had intentions to go to one of my favorites but to their surprise they suggested one I hadn’t been to “It’s a must place to visit and get a coffee or tea, especially for a travel writer” they said. I take their advance and head to The Goat Farm. I stayed, wrote and had a water I paid for through donation. I’d leave there to explore the grounds of the old farm. As I walk into one building I hear a familiar voice. It was an old friend and photographer. She was taking part in an open house for her new studio. She worked and her friend and I talked, there was an immediate connection. We’d talk and exchange information.
I was delighted at the exchange which started to make me think about the week, full of similar encounters. Nothing happens by accident. There is a purpose and a plan. A small introduction is a part of the bigger picture. All things are working to ultimately benefit you. There are blessings in everything, even the bad. Try to break away from the necessary things that “need” to get done and be a full participant in the moments that are presented before you. Learn to just go with the FLOW.
Quote: “Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment. Neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it…it’s just easier if you do.” –Byron Katie
Tip: Trust your gut, be implosive sometimes. Throw your schedule out the window. Do God’s work.